Counting number of collision problem

williamt2706williamt2706 Member, PRO Posts: 85
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have a little problem about counting an amount of collision between actor. Let say i wanna make an actor A destroy after 5 times of collision with actor B. So every time that two actor collide, i make "health -1" attribute until "health =0" and then actor A destroyed and it did.

The problem is actor A is a spawned actor, and i have a invisible actor spawn it for every second. But for whatever reason, if that two actor didn't collide for 5 times, the counting continue to the next spawned actor A.
Example: the first actor A spawned and collide with actor B for 5 times and it destroyed. But then the 2nd actor A spawned and collide with actor B only for 3 times, and then the third actor A only need 2 times of collision with actor B to be destroyed. And why it didn't need for 5 times of collision?

I have make a timer for "after 3 second, set health = 5" for actor A, because every time actor A being spawned it only takes 3 seconds appearing on the screen. And it didn't work at all . . .

Any help would be appreciate . . :D

sorry my bad english . .


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