Hi I'm making a cartoony puzzle style game if any of you guys have any kind if music that you think that would help I will greatly appreciate that thanks!
I'm not a pro, but it's easy to make cool stuff in Garage Band (especially for iOS). If you don't have it, I can make you something little. Shoot me on Skype at Nathan.flurry.
Hey guys, seriously the very first resource we should point our users out to is the GameSalad Marketplace!
There are tracks you can buy and download to use in your game. Not everything royalty free is "free" or in many instances legally licensed for use via the POP. Not to say there is not good stuff to be had, but there is plenty of great stuff on the marketplace that is worthy of taking a look/listen.
A cartoony puzzly sort of game covers a fair bit of territory, so it's hard to say exactly what style of music would work. Maybe give us a bit more of an idea...is it slow and thoughtful, or fast paced puzzles with a deadline to solve? The music needs to suit mood and flow of the game.
The game is relatively smoothe but since theres a timer i would like somethig also to boost up when times almost up so people can get that kinda rush so if anyone can point me in that direction i would greatly appreciate that
There are tracks you can buy and download to use in your game. Not everything royalty free is "free" or in many instances legally licensed for use via the POP. Not to say there is not good stuff to be had, but there is plenty of great stuff on the marketplace that is worthy of taking a look/listen.
I'm a composer and would like to help out if I can. Let me know.