DreamKid - New Mynameisace Project

mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey Guys!

After the fantastic webinar on game design that @GameTeamOne presented last week, I was inspired to analyse my weak-points and try my hardest to work on them. My biggest weak-points were game design and artwork.

I spent just shy of a grand on kitting myself out with some game design books, Adobe Illustrator (I've been using Photoshop for my artwork in the past), art supplies and a whole bunch of art books.

After reading through some of Level Up! and reading a little about art, I had a completely new inspiration for making games. The planning stages have become exciting and learning more about art is making the art process fun once again!

Whilst reading, I had 2 ideas for games pop in to my head. The first idea is a huge idea that will take me forever to do and as it stands, the artwork that would be needed is still WAY out of my league, but something I want to complete myself eventually (after the LUA drop, maybe haha).

The second game is one I've already started on and I want it to look and feel like a Cartoon Network show. The game will be based in the main characters dreams, were pretty much anything can happen which will give me scope for a lot of game mechanics, but trying hard to keep them feel natural and not forced together.

My very first two sketches are of the Mum and the sister and of the character:


Obviously, I'm going to sketch and re-sketch them a thousand times before I get on to scanning and tracing them to improve the parts that I don't like, but this is my first, raw sketch

Ace ~O)


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