Question about Achievement Notifications - as shown in the last webinar

zapposhzapposh Member Posts: 65
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
During the webinar, the way I understood it, you did not have to bother creating a "stop trigger" once 100% of the achievement has been completed, as it is managed by Gamesalad and Gamecenter.

The thing is, every time I end my game, even though the achievement has long reached 100% during previous tries, I still get the notification from Gamecenter. Is this an issue with the Sandbox version of Gamecenter?

Imagine the following scenario:
If 2 zombies killed, end game is over, then update Achievement Zombie killer to 100%.

So you kill 2 zombies, the game ends, and you get your notification with the achievement award from gamecenter.

But every game the same thing happens (I'm not resetting any achievements).

So please confirm that I still DON'T need to create a trigger to stop updating gamecenter after every play.

Best Answers

  • GreekSaladGreekSalad Posts: 36
    Accepted Answer
    Hello there!

    You heard correct! You should not have to create a "stop trigger" when 100% has been completed. You should be able to publish your project to the app store without setting any conditions to "stop" updating completed GameCenter achievements. You should be able to leave your logic as is, and GameCenter should understand when 100% has been met and should not fire off anymore notifications about the already completed achievement.

    Looking forward to killing some hypothetical zombies. :)
  • bazookaBenbazookaBen Posts: 318
    Accepted Answer
    During the webinar, the way I understood it, you did not have to bother creating a "stop trigger" once 100% of the achievement has been completed, as it is managed by Gamesalad and Gamecenter.

    The thing is, every time I end my game, even though the achievement has long reached 100% during previous tries, I still get the notification from Gamecenter. Is this an issue with the Sandbox version of Gamecenter?

    Imagine the following scenario:
    If 2 zombies killed, end game is over, then update Achievement Zombie killer to 100%.

    So you kill 2 zombies, the game ends, and you get your notification with the achievement award from gamecenter.

    But every game the same thing happens (I'm not resetting any achievements).

    So please confirm that I still DON'T need to create a trigger to stop updating gamecenter after every play.
    it's a sandbox problem

    the problem appears when you're signed into a non-test account (you can create it at your itunes connect, under Users ). Funny thing is, even if i'm in a test account, i need to make sure i don't publish numbers above 100%, else i get repeating notifications. I use simple "if > 100%, update as 100% rules".

    i suppose when the app goes live you won't get an achievement over 100%.


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