How to Make a Puzzle Bubble? :/
Hi guys how are you?
I am making a bonus stage for my game.
But it´s very difficult to me do a ball than when i shoot these will be destroyed when 3 balls collide.
I try with 2 atributes.
But the second ball (hits=1) collide with the first ball(hits=1). The second ball collide with the same first ball.
Then ball 1=hits2 <> ball2=hits2
But when to the third ball hits with firt ball or second ball . Never produce a destroy because the ball 1 collided with ball 2 in the second shoot.
And never can to revolved this with the ball actor and their attributes.
Anybody can help me?
I am making a bonus stage for my game.
But it´s very difficult to me do a ball than when i shoot these will be destroyed when 3 balls collide.
I try with 2 atributes.
But the second ball (hits=1) collide with the first ball(hits=1). The second ball collide with the same first ball.
Then ball 1=hits2 <> ball2=hits2
But when to the third ball hits with firt ball or second ball . Never produce a destroy because the ball 1 collided with ball 2 in the second shoot.
And never can to revolved this with the ball actor and their attributes.
Anybody can help me?
I'm not sure about the calculation though, because if ball1 hits ball2, game.hits will increase by 2, and then if ball1 hits ball3, game.hits will increase by 1. You'll have to work with that to get it right.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Capture -> de pantalla 2012-04-12 a la(s) 23.26.46.png
And all balls put "3" when two balls collide -> de pantalla 2012-04-12 a la(s) 23.29.52.png
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
what is happening with your rules:
the first behavior … changes a condition that fires your rules …
when that condition is changed … the computer stops processing that rule
Rule: when
Event: overlaps/collides with actor of type: ball
-Rule: when
--Attribute: self.hit is false
--changeAttribute: self.hit To: true
--Otherwise: changeAttribute: self.hits To: self.hits+1 de pantalla 2012-04-13 a la(s) 11.02.19.png
A behaviour in another behaviour WTF!! :O
a rule within another rule … the terminology for this is a 'nested' rule
you wrote it perfectly! … did you try it out? … did it work?
p.d my nick is rubiyOOO no rubiyOO
try … turning off other rules … to just test that one
quick demo:
looking at your video … try on the ballActor
Rule: when
Event: overlaps/collides with ball
-Rule: when
-Attribute: self.hits = 1
--changeAttribute self.hits To: 2
-Rule: when
-Attribute: self.hits = 2
--changeAttribute self.hits To: 3
to eliminate constant scrolling in the actorPane …
the actors that work correctly can be moved to the bottom of that pane …
and the actor you are working with can be dragged to the top …
quickest way is Home > Actors … and drag them around