How to make a time system?

rodrigosw94rodrigosw94 Member Posts: 45
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)

I want to make a system base on real time that will be score of player. Example: in the level 1, after start the time start counting, in the finish of level, time stop counting and save in to an attribute like (score time level 1), all levels will have your time score.

You can also access all scores in menu -> scores after anytime you want.

And if possible, have an keyboard input to player put your name, and have score for their name. So, people/friends can "duel" for the best score.

Sorry if hard to understand.

Thanks to now


  • lukey5227lukey5227 Member Posts: 111
    Well, your going to have to set a maximum number of players for now.

    Basically, you store them in attributes. Player 1 (Which is the name) and Time 1 (Which is player 1's time) as well as Player Playing (Which player is selected).

    This will start and the begging of your scene. When you'd like to add the time, do this:

    First, load the attribute (say, "time" + the player number) to the attribute Time_(player number selected).

    Once you've done that, Change Attribute time to SCENE TIME* + 1!
    -- This means you have to be editing the actor inside the scene. There is an easier way to do it. Look at the * at the bottom of the post.

    Then, once you've changed it, save it.

    To allow users to look through them, make a new scene. Make a new attribute called "See Player" or something. This means what player you're seeing. Then have actors display Player_(see player) and Time_(see player) so it displays the time and player of each. Have arrows on each side to add or subtract from see player as long as it is < then total number of players and > the 1

    Instead of making attributes for each, make a new row for each.

    *Make an actor, or take an actor thats on every single level, being there from the start. Make a new attribute called "Time". Then, constrain the actor "Time" to whatever the time of the actor is.
    Then change the attribute. This keeps you from editing in scene for each of your actors.

    Hope this helps!
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