Kiip not working

aalzankiaalzanki Member Posts: 283
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys,

I'm trying to add Kiip to my games, but I can't get it running on an ad-hoc build. I followed these steps:

It works in the creator, but nothing happens when I'm on my phone. What am I doing wrong?

BTW I shouldn't use Kiip's website right? all the process is in GameSalad?

Any help would be really appreciated.


Best Answer

  • osucowboy18osucowboy18 Posts: 1,307
    Accepted Answer
    Hey there,

    It might not be displaying a Kiip Rewards banner because of the fact that Kiip (according to the Cookbook tutorial) doesn't display an award EVERY time the user completes an achievement. This is done to keep it kind of random to add to the surprise aspect of it. It took me 2-3 times completing the same achievement to get a Kiip Reward to display the first time.

    Also, you might make sure that you have uploaded your game to Kiip's servers. You do this by logging into your GS account via GameSalad Creator, going to the Services tab, and clicking the Upload to Kiip (or something like that) button.

    Hope this helps.

    - Alex


  • bazookaBenbazookaBen Member Posts: 318
    the test reward (in ad-hoc) should fire quite often. In my experience you invoke it at least twice to start seeing it
  • zombiesdrulezombiesdrule PRO Posts: 131
    I've been working closely with kiip, in an iOS ad-hoc build it should fire up every time there is a reward.
    In the final build it will be more random.
    For me this has been the case in every game I have implemented it in so far.
  • aalzankiaalzanki Member Posts: 283
    Thank you guys for your replys.

    I still can't figure out what's wrong, here what I did step by step:
    1) tax on
    2) enable kiip from
    3) In the services tab in the creator, I added a new game
    4) I added all the achivments with their points
    5) I saved the by clicking on the button in the right lower corner
    6) I went to the levels that I want keep to fire in and added an actor with the unlock behavior
    7) I published the game with an ad hoc profile
    8) installed the game on my phone

    Am I missing something?
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