Question about screenshots inside the project file

dumbstudiosdumbstudios Member Posts: 23
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I had created a project for the iPad and once it was done I made a copy of it and changed the size of the project to iPhone size and replaced all the iPad images with iPhone size images. All that's left from the iPad project are basically all the actors and rules i had created before. My iPhone project is a little bigger than usual to me so I opened up the project file on the finder and saw there's a folder called "screenshots" and in there, even thou i no longer have the iPad images on the project, I see screenshots of those iPad images I erased. How do I get rid of those files that are just making my app heavier?

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  • dumbstudiosdumbstudios Member Posts: 23
    Cool, as long as they disappear at the end, then I guess i'll just wait until publishing wipes them out. Either way, erasing the files from inside the screenshot folder, that wouldn't affect the main file once it's open again? all iPad images are gone anyways. Just curious
  • dumbstudiosdumbstudios Member Posts: 23
    Cool, thanks for the info
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