Found a useful service for Promo Codes management
As all of us know, the ability to manage promo codes basically does not exists with itunesconnect. You don't know which codes are being used or how fast people are taking them.
I just found a service called Redeem Now ( that solves that problem. With Redeem Now it is not only easier for people to use your promo codes, it also allow you to track them (the codes, not the people...). It gives you a link for every code, by clicking on the link it automatically redeems it for the person that is clicking but it also tells you that the code is now used.
When you are sending out codes to forums or review sites you can see how fast people are taking the codes, how popular they are and if the review site even looked at the game.
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I just found a service called Redeem Now ( that solves that problem. With Redeem Now it is not only easier for people to use your promo codes, it also allow you to track them (the codes, not the people...). It gives you a link for every code, by clicking on the link it automatically redeems it for the person that is clicking but it also tells you that the code is now used.
When you are sending out codes to forums or review sites you can see how fast people are taking the codes, how popular they are and if the review site even looked at the game.
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