GameSalad Viewer showing actual fps?
Just wondering if jumpy looking gameplay or glitchy feelings while testing a game on the viewer on an iPhone is actually what the game will be when published.
Somethings in my game things seem jumpy and not right in the viewer, is this reflecting actual gameplay if it were to published and played on devices, or is it just the viewer?
Somethings in my game things seem jumpy and not right in the viewer, is this reflecting actual gameplay if it were to published and played on devices, or is it just the viewer?
Best Answer
Photics Posts: 4,172
Sometimes it can be the viewer slowing things down, but that's what adhoc testing is for. (I noticed things got weird when the Game Center alerts would appear.)
If you see something suspicious with the viewer, it could be a good idea to make an adhoc version for comparison. The viewer alone is not complete testing.