What type of music?

crazyfishdevcrazyfishdev Member Posts: 283
I have really wanted to add music to my game but I'm just not sure the style or anything that goes with it... It is an underwater game and the main character is a diver that is swimming around the level... Any suggestions for music style or music that might work with an underwater feel?

Best Answers

  • tatiangtatiang Posts: 11,949
    edited April 2012 Accepted Answer
    I Googled "ethereal music" and this was the first video result:


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  • HesselHessel Posts: 20
    Accepted Answer
    Hey Crazy!

    I found this one... It is not fast though.. But very relaxed and it works very well. (Ecco the dolphin) just wanted to share!
  • RPRP Posts: 1,990
    Accepted Answer
    Sounds with muffled warble and reverb. Bubbles, water sloshes etc. Look for these in the music piece. You can incorporate these in conjunction to the track too to help give it more atmosphere.

    Check out Hawaiian and Island music too. Generally there are lots of small/local artists that provide various styles based upon their local environments.

    Ecco was great, but the original Sega CD track was better. Here is another style that thesands put together for Golden Sub (aka Super Nautica)


  • crazyfishdevcrazyfishdev Member Posts: 283
    that sounds really nice but this game has a super fast pace and I'm just not sure it will be fast enough... the only other thing iv come up with is h*ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQTJWhbOn7E but I think its the same story...
  • rock1rock1 Member Posts: 12
    There are myriads of possibilities I guess, but if you are looking for a faster track, what about this one?
  • crazyfishdevcrazyfishdev Member Posts: 283
    thanks all for the suggestions... I will be able to find the song and your suggestions have helped point me in a direction...
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