Question about IAP and non-consumables

dumbstudiosdumbstudios Member Posts: 23
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello everybody,

I was looking at the webinar and the tutorials about IAP non consumables. It's mentioned that you have to create a load attribute rule so that the app knows every time it's started that the full version has been unlocked. I'm a little confused about this. So does this mean that once the unlocked_game attribute is set to TRUE (after IAP), this key for the product ID gets saved internally in the app, so it can be loaded every time the app starts? or is the app going to connect to apple every time I open the app to check the IAP was successfully completed? therefore requiring the device to have internet connection to do the validation.

Best Answer

  • EatingMyHatEatingMyHat Posts: 1,246
    Accepted Answer
    While you can recover IAP purchases from the App Store it should be used for recovery and not as a replacement to saving the attributes of your app. When someone unlocks something you probably set some attribute to TRUE, save it and load it when the game comes up.

    As an example, if I bought more levels and now on a plane - you cannot connect to the App Store to figure it out.

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