Game Hack - UK Game Jam
So this weekend 28th-29th April there's a game jam at Pinewood Studios, UK.
If the last game jam I went to is anything to go by then it should be a good event. Think I might take a camera and do a bit of a photo diary for this one.
Seems like they have loads of sponsors and categories to enter your game into. @LaurenSalad - is GS not taking part in this one?
If the last game jam I went to is anything to go by then it should be a good event. Think I might take a camera and do a bit of a photo diary for this one.
Seems like they have loads of sponsors and categories to enter your game into. @LaurenSalad - is GS not taking part in this one?
Well I would assume GS is not taking part as its in the Uk.. GS is an American company and have no base in the uk..
expect updates on politics, pizza intake, beanbag swopping, and blurry images even at 72 dpi.
We're here! There are loads of other people here! They ate all the food before we could grab any!
We're a few hours into making a game! Going well so far! Lots of discussion and merging of docs left, right and centre to get something going!
Our game is called 'Captain Obvious'
We'll keep you updated through the event no doubt!
DP.S. Please send food.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Have an awesome day!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
team lowbloodsugarsheepbeekipper in the foreground. will post more later. There are about 150 people here a hacking and fighting for pizza. We only managed to steal 2 boxes and some garlic bread. Red Bull supplies are running dangerously low and there are still 14 hours to go.... Sheepy is sucking on a wet rag to keep himself moisturised, Shaz is still trying to get the black off his ears from the dodgy headphones I leant him, and our game is starting to take shape....
yip yip kip!
We're trying to get a screenshot ready, but we're putting things together still. Soon, promise!
Kipper is making a vehicular chicken. I !@#$% you not!
I'm still sucking my wet rag, and Shaz is fading fast. We're going to attach a car battery to his seat to keep him awake!
More updates through the night!
DDr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Looking forward to seeing the screenshot!
send expresso please!
We only have about 5 hours left so I have to keep this brief, but here's a couple of WIP screenshots of Captain Obvious!
Hope you like!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Vid coming soon. The animations that the 'ol kipster are churning out are looking most excellent. Dude.
P.S Sleep is for babies.
Was nice (and surprising) to be mentioned as a highlight of the jam by the reps from Sony and BlueVia too.
I'm sure one of us will post some vid footage soon. Although QS and Kip may have already collapsed into a 3 day slumber, attempting to recover from the hardships of the game jam jungle. Luckily I'm one quarter ninja so I'm fine.
Including screenshots! (but no vid!)
I will try and make a vid, but I got back from the hack yesterday and slept like a baby sheep till just now. So over 12 hours :O
Anyway, I had a LOT of fun doing this, and I'd recommend this kind of thing to everyone! We had a lot of laughs.
I did feel like a grumpy old bully for a lot of it (Hitler Dev was my nickname I think! Sorry Honeytribe!) I'm not used to playing with others!
DDr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I'd love to do something like this, I bet it's a load of fun!