Found a Great Article: Money & The App Store
Apologies if this has been posted before, but -- I found this great blog from a lady who left UBIsoft to start her own indie game company:
There is a lot of insight along with links to the postmortems on a lot of successful recent iOS games.
There is a lot of insight along with links to the postmortems on a lot of successful recent iOS games.
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there's always an opportunity for us indies to give the big guys a scare. Be it via better game design, better storytelling or better marketing. 100 heads working on the same game is not a guaranteed win against 2 people in a student dorm.
Spending tens of thousands on developing a game is risky business nowadays.
I feel kind of like a miner sometimes... Especially when I pay my subscription to GS or buy templates. I am not complaining, because I really enjoy working on these projects - I am like an old time miner who just enjoys being outside!
Working from home certainly helps.
I've seen small team college age guys using unity3d do very well
I'd strive to get there, not an easy road I'm sure but it can be achieved