"WTF rant" - or "just having a really bad day..."
I have not been on this forum for long, I don't even own a mac to run gamesalad nor do I have the desire to code game - I just love making games and art for games... I do enjoy helping others who share a similar passion... Some say I just show off, other think I do it for the money to promote myself or just enjoy tearing other artists work apart... It's true do it for fun and because I think I could help... but I don't think this is healthy anymore... not for me at least... I am done helping out, I am done commenting and I am done caring young kids with the attitude of spoiled brats who think that because they are 'just 12 years old' they get away with everything.
I have done this job twice as long as these little punks roamed this planet and I worked hard to get to the level of skill, experience and knowledge... but this forum has no respect, no morale and not values for the work of others. We all get inspired by things and all try to reach the heights set by great artists, game-designers or coders - but there is a difference between taking inspiration from something or someone and plain stealing. On this forum a lot of people don't care about this fine line. It's more important to some to make a quick buck, use something for their own advantage or run others down for their own gain.
We have sous-chefs with their own agendas, their own games and their own ideas of who can do what and get away with it. It's become ridiculous. Pixeled junk gets praised when there is but a few scattered pixels to be seen, some artists get away with posting free works in new threads while others are send to the 'now sticky' general thread. There is too much bitching and not enough helping around and I am just fed up with this childish behavior.
...and when a sous-chef I just helped for his personal project questions my ethics on a day where I already had my hand taken when I gave a little finger and got abused for charging too much for my artwork because I am not going with the prices of some young student who is trying to make his mark and charge for the experience and professionalism that I have compiled over the years I just lose it.
I have done this job twice as long as these little punks roamed this planet and I worked hard to get to the level of skill, experience and knowledge... but this forum has no respect, no morale and not values for the work of others. We all get inspired by things and all try to reach the heights set by great artists, game-designers or coders - but there is a difference between taking inspiration from something or someone and plain stealing. On this forum a lot of people don't care about this fine line. It's more important to some to make a quick buck, use something for their own advantage or run others down for their own gain.
We have sous-chefs with their own agendas, their own games and their own ideas of who can do what and get away with it. It's become ridiculous. Pixeled junk gets praised when there is but a few scattered pixels to be seen, some artists get away with posting free works in new threads while others are send to the 'now sticky' general thread. There is too much bitching and not enough helping around and I am just fed up with this childish behavior.
...and when a sous-chef I just helped for his personal project questions my ethics on a day where I already had my hand taken when I gave a little finger and got abused for charging too much for my artwork because I am not going with the prices of some young student who is trying to make his mark and charge for the experience and professionalism that I have compiled over the years I just lose it.
I'm going to assume me and you are around the same age (give or take). I am a full time musician/studio engineer...and I come up against exactly the same thing on a daily basis.
I was having this very discussion last week :
There is now a generation of people....kids if you will....who just expect everything to be free....and the reason for that, is because it kind of IS free.
The advent of the interwebs, and being able to grab anything you can think of, for nothing, has made them like this.
Keep yer chin up. there are always people who appreciate what experience can bring to a job. It might not be as many as there once was...but they are there.
Some sous-chef's here act very unprofessional and I agree with you, they do what ever they like,not all I must add.
I think Gamesalad need to really look over some of the silly rules here and make it like a normal forum.
SpriteAttack do you have a website? oh I forgot you not allowed post it. Can you pm me your details if you get time.
When the ad rules are less strict, people take advantage of the grey area.
As a sous chef I try and be as fair as possible. I've been accused of being too heavy handed and received my fair share of nasty pm's. . It's hard though, not every sous chef has the same ideas of enforcement, nor the same amount of time to devote to it.
I hope this is not the last we see of you, you've been a great addition to the community.
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It all comes down to money...GS must be making more on advertising inside the free version games than they would charging a lower fee for a limited version...business is business.
If that is the way this forum wants to be that's fine with me. Sous-chefs getting off on their power, kids showing off their inflated egos and rotten manners and GameSalad remaining a 'kids toy for playing game developer' is not my cup of tea though.
I agree with the majority of your post, most people here are along for a free-ride. I spend 5+ hours every single day helping people out on here, via Skype and email and half are really grateful, the other half I don't even get a thank you.
I also think that the GS hierarchy should take steps against people who do this and suspend their accounts until they have taken down the offending material.
Just my 2cents.
It’s not a bug – it’s an undocumented feature
@SpriteAttack - Maybe I should have said it before now, but I am always amazed and impressed by the way you coming swooping in like an art super hero to help people with art related problems when they haven't even asked for your help. Every time you do this you create the perfect piece of art for their need - it blows me away. Your tutorials are amazing and I'm sure that countless numbers of people have learned a lot from them.
Anyways, I feel that you are a great asset to this community. I hope you can let the little twerps and their twerpiness roll off your back!
Don't take that too hard, just my 2 cents. Keep on trucking dude, your serve as role model for some of these "punks"
SpriteAttack gives a lot to the community and he gets very little in return compared to the amount of effort he invests. He deserves more. Don't you think?
Note that there are other graphic artists on the forum with as much or more experience as he, we have been down that track at some point or another, willingly assisting others pro bono and getting burned. Changing the strategy to prevent it does not mean ceasing his contributions.
I actually agree with you on EVERY Single point.. I'm so truly pissed of with all this crap that I'm finding it hard to stick around and help lately.. A while ago I made a game called "dotty" and hosted on media fire but left it an open link just to show someone who to a "touch follower" game that avoids falling objects from the sky, Then while browsing the app store a couple of weeks later... I found the damn thing!, I contacted straight away and asked for it to be removed.. I got the crap about being "ten" and always "dreaming" of making his first app,..When he did nothing just published a half completed help template!, Fortunately after a few emails from me he removed it from the app store..
Now that all my venting is done! I have to say that this forum is the BEST Forum I have ever been a member of or ever seen.... Its full of people willing to help unlike any other game development forum this forum is willing to HELP!! and it hurts me every time this community tries to help and they're "helping" is soiled by someone trying to make a "quick buck"
And to be honest It makes me VERY upset to hear that you're "pissed" off with helping, Because a long with some other people you are one of the people that contribute most to this community..
Now again, That said theirs nothing wrong with the community or the way its managed.. It's the people the community attracts...
and @saladstraightshooter I have to say the forum has gotten a way "safer" controlled environment since you Joined GameSalad and I say Kudo's to you for doing a brilliant job!, I think that needed to be said in a discussion like this..
Oh and the one point that I don't agree with is "Sous chef's going out of their power" I don't think I have seen an example of this... I generally don't get food poisoning form their contribution to the salad.... The only thing that bothers me is Closing threads without sending a PM or notifying the user why Which rarely happens in any case..
However from a marketers point of view we need some Middle Ground for advertising services or developer resources... Like every other Game development forum.....
Thats just my 2c..
I feel your pain @SpriteAttack - thats how it works, you put so much work into something, and people think it doesn't matter, because its all about them, as long as their life is good! Don't let it get you down.
I totally agree with you!!!
Everything is right what you said and Chris i hope you find the good in this forum again and get off these little Kids,which say that they are 12, but are 14 Year old..
And from my opinion it's greater to publish something you made and on what you can Be proud of than to publish templates..
I Hope you get your love for this Great Forum again!!!
That's the spirit
Yes,that's the spirit
As for the forums, I've seen much worse. As a moderator of other Internet forums, I've applied to help out here. If I am accepted I'm hoping I can address some of the issues you've mentioned. I'm also older and work as a teacher. I definitely see my students' mentality as "it's on the Internet, so I can take it and use it as I see fit." It's a challenge to teach them otherwise, but I do teach them otherwise. In my Game Design class for 3rd-8th graders, I specifically address the question of public domain, royalty-free, etc. I teach them to actually (gasp) read the fine print so that they know if artwork is for commercial use or only private use, and whether or not they have to give credit and/or ask permission, or pay for use.
I think most younger members of the community are just so used to being able to take, take, take, that they haven't really thought about the repercussions. And I don't think the blame for that is entirely theirs since many parents and teachers don't teach them about those things and often don't understand it well themselves (I have teachers asking me if they can burn a soundtrack to CD and give it to 100 students... to which I tell them, "yes, it's possible. And yes, it's illegal.").
But I can see how that gets very frustrating very quickly.
Anyway, I hope this discussion is helping more than hurting your cause.
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Thanks for standing up for the 1% of the teenage species
Jack McGraw
Overall you all can't say all kids are scammers. Some of us are here for fun and education. To get into an awesome computer science program in college. If game development is for everyone, then no part of that everyone should be looked upon poorly.
Sorry if this insulted anyone.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Some of the kids just don't care and think that they are very smart to trick the system, but some just don't know better - both are a problem.
My son is doing some Gamesalad development (I will not say playing with gamesalad because he might read it and get pissed off at me
On the flip side, I'm sure that the parents of our Fall Fu Panda friends thinks their kids are geniuses for "creating" an iPhone game, without bothering to ask where he got his new found divine artistic skills...
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I agree that the free model has enticed kids who think everything will be free and don't understand the true value of talent, these are the same kids that have expensive macs and iphones given to them at 10-12 years old .. They've only ever been given stuff and dont know the value of talent, work and time.
I'd say the trick is to learn when to pitch in with your help in examples and deal in terms of comission work with only serious developers.
I don't agree on some of your generalising, this forum is still very helpful in general, its gotten harder to maintain as there many new members and I got a vibe that you were saying everyone who develops with GameSalad was a bit like a child and not serious about what they do ... Which i strongly disagree with.
Anyway, I hope you reconsider as when it comes to art, you really nail it and your input is always spot on.