Just some action/adventure games, maybe a few more things. I am just looking for as many designers in the bay area as possible. I think that we should keep the indie spirit alive, and try to make some games.
May be moving back to Cali in couple months. Specifically the SF area. If I end up that way it would be good to meet up with some fellow indies. I'd like to do some high quality good old fashion point a click adventures at some point (like classical LucasArts /LucasFilms).
if its not an event then you are looking to just collab with people to make a gamesalad game?
I would be interested in an event, maybe do a rapid development weekend meet up. Get people together to make gamesalad games in 2 full days at an onsite place.
Im in RWC. You?
but I'll need to decline your offer... sorry, just much stuff going on right now
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I would be interested in an event, maybe do a rapid development weekend meet up. Get people together to make gamesalad games in 2 full days at an onsite place.