Any ideas to improve sales?
What I can do to improve sales?, I really Frustrating
Best Answer
patapple Posts: 873
Also I. I have the same problem. Do you created a trailer? Press realeses? Email to review sites? Post your game on other developer forum. It can helps you.
There no get rich quick apps anymore so if you want to improve sales then first create a good game, then market it (it's easier marketing a good game than a rubbish one). Post it to review sites, talk about it on forums, use pr companies to send out press releases, use social media, friends, family and even ex girlfriends... Utilise any channel you can... Make a trailer (it doesn't have to be blockbuster quality), create a free version... But above all, make a game that YOU are happy with.
Be your own worst critic. When you are in a big company it has to go through so many people who ALL have an opinion and most don't know the difficulty in designing and coding... Most just say things like "it needs more weapons" or "it would be great of I could see a map of the level". To the developer, this is weeks of work but to the tester, it would just make it better. Imagine you have to go through this and make it the best it can be...
Sorry for the waffle...
Videos and such are great and highly recommended as part of the strategy, but you cannot expect a new game just to carry itself upon just "being". Don't just depend on game sites to spread the word, there is too much new content for it to stay spotlighted or featured for long. Find a demographic that it also might be popular with and target them. If it good, the word of mouth will carry over. Say if you have a skateboard game, contact skating sites, offer promos for them to try it and ask them feature it on their site. Create a facebook page, twitter about it or on Give your local press a copy. If you belong to any game sites that offer user blogs talk about your game there (if allowed). Then there is physical marketing, but that's gonna cost ya...
On a side note. Seriously. The comment was "game"...and that warrants an awesome? To whomever is hitting the awesome on comments, save it for when something truly is awesome. I'm seeing this a lot lately. Let's not start stat padding the forums for crying out loud.
1 for each month, 2-3 months prior to my wordpress site, YouTube , Facebook ect
Contact and post in all game sites
The best screen shots I can achieve
My first apps all have an ad of the game too ...I've learned with my first releases
Screen shots, title, and icon count big time
If you don't push hard on the marketting no one will care...unless it's mind-blowing
This guest post gives great insight into the world of word of mouth marketing. We share invaluable information for independent game designers looking to build a brand from the ground up. Obviously- this is incredibly relevant since for indie developers, SO much about marketing a game IS about word of mouth and creating a fan base for your products.
You can read the guest post here:
I agree wholeheartedly, creating a fan-base for your products really is key.
FB, T.A, or Twitter are the perfect avenues for that, get as many followers on both, and keep them up to date with pending or new releases.
Another good avenue is marketing through a free application. If you have a very compelling game that may soar the charts as a freebie, add a link to your latest app- it should be a similar product and geared towards the same audience.
seriously though, what is TA?
Touch Arcade
Not sure why you start your description with "Game Description" and "Help us to destroy old satellite around the earth.By dish and laser gun." is not good enough to draw people to pay $0.99 game.
I haven't played the game, but assuming that it is good and that you worked hard on it - you should work equally hard on the description, icon and name because this is how people will judge your game.
I would suggest to fix the App Store representation, make the game free and start working on a new bigger project.
Just my 2 cents, good luck.
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