How Do I Make an Actor Destroy and Never Come Back?

uhyanauhyana Member Posts: 36
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
First off, every time I close out of the app testing on my iPhone and open it back up it resets everything. I'm assuming that it will not do this once I create the actual app correct?

Now, the main question. I want there to be a secret scene that will have a slice of pizza and when someone touches the pizza it will go away. The reason for this is that I want those who bought the app to get a free slice of pizza at my parents pizza shop. They will show it to the cashier and they will click the pizza and it will go away and never come back. The problem is that I feel like they could just delete the app and then it would come back correct? I don't want people re-downloading the app to get more than one free slice. Is there anyway to make the pizza disappear even if the user deletes and re-downloads the app? If not, does anyone have a better solution? Perhaps some sort of code generator, not a barcode though, because the pizza restaurant doesn't have a scanner. Any ideas?

Best Answer

  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Posts: 6,256
    Accepted Answer
    Yeah thats true, unfortunately no matter what you do in gamesalad there gonna be able to redownload the app and get a new whatever.


  • jckmcgrawjckmcgraw Member Posts: 647

    I think that that is a cool idea, but not very reasonable. First off, people around the world download apps on the appstore. Therefore, advertising one pizza place in one city would be pretty much pointless (in my opinion).

    GameSalad-wise with your "main question", it would have to involve attributes.
    Is there anyway to make the pizza disappear even if the user deletes and re-downloads the app? If not, does anyone have a better solution? Perhaps some sort of code generator, not a barcode though, because the pizza restaurant doesn't have a scanner.
    That is not possible with GameSalad. The only other possible thing you could do is only let people get the pizza once when they download the app. If they delete it and reinstall it, that piece of pizza is still fair game :P

    If you still want to go through with this, I am happy to help you in the specifics of the logic and such.

    Hope this helps,
    Jack McGraw

  • crazycam99crazycam99 Paris, FranceMember Posts: 519
    Everything will reset if you don't save and load attributs. You can't see if someone baught it or hacked it. If you delete the app then restart the phone and then reinstall it, it would come back. And I don't have any other solution.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    How is it not possible to make a code generator in gamesalad?

    You could have say 10 attributes, change each one to random(1,100) then have a display text and display: attribute1..attribute2..attribute3..attribute4..attribute5..attribute6..attribute7..attribute8..attrribute9..attribute10

    And there ya go a random code. Only have it do it once in the game so they cant keep making random codes.

    The only issue with that is, if your writing down the codes at the pizza place so you know not to take the same one twice, is if somehow by some chance two people pulled the same code. Its highly unlikely but still possible.
  • uhyanauhyana Member Posts: 36
    Thanks for the quick reply jckmcgraw. I live in a small town where everyone knows everyone so that it why I want this to just be for the local pizza shop. Just by word of mouth of the town will know about it. If other people around the world find the secret scene with slice it's really no big deal, just an easter egg for them.

    John, that's a good idea but all someone has to do is re-download and it will generate a different random code.
  • jckmcgrawjckmcgraw Member Posts: 647
    Remember you could also have the pizza place take some sort of note of who gave the code, and then do what John mentioned with the game codes.

    I think that those 2 combinations should be enough to catch people coming back twice.
  • jckmcgrawjckmcgraw Member Posts: 647
    Too bad we can't connect to any online servers to be able to do stuff like that.

    The options would be endless...
  • uhyanauhyana Member Posts: 36
    Ok, I guess I'll have to combine the two. I just now thought of this idea though. The customer won't know that there is some secret scene with a slice of pizza. They will hand there iPhone to the cashier and they will do a special gesture like tap 3 times and swipe down. That will lead to a secret scene with the slice and the cashier will tap the slice and destroy it. This way if they try to bring it back the cashier will see that the pizza is gone and the customer won't understand how the cashier knows. The customer could still re-download it and bring it to the cashier but I'm pretty sure that they won't even think of that. Besides I will only make the offer for a couple of weeks and most of the customers there are regulars. Could someone tell me how to make a gesture like tapping 3 times and swiping down to go to a scene?
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