Boolean Help

lowellnlowelln Member, PRO Posts: 7
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I post a question last night and am still in need of some help.

I have an image on the first screen, on the second screen I want to create a boolean, that once an action becomes true it changes back to the original scene, and on the original scene a change is made. In this case the change is a change of image.

I tried to add the boolean in the game section, but once it is checked the image is always what it should be after the change is made.

If I add the boolean on the second scene, when I go back to the first scene I can't find it as an option for a command.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated


  • stackpoolestackpoole Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaMember, PRO Posts: 473
    I don't understand, sorry
    you have a first image on top of a second image, you want to create a boolean on the second image that makes the first image come back ?

    Sydney Swans 2014!!

  • lowellnlowelln Member, PRO Posts: 7

    Theres an image on the first screen in black and white. The click on the image and are taken to the second scene. On the second scene the last command i have is to change scene to the original one.

    What i want to add is a boolean that will become true before switching back to the original scene. So when you go back to the original scene, the image has become colored. I have a black and white, and color version of the image.

    Does that make more sense?
  • stackpoolestackpoole Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaMember, PRO Posts: 473
    edited April 2012
    I do not know what kind of game that is! :P
    and still not 100% sure on what you mean, but will have a shot to see if I understand

    Make a boolean (e.g.) game.colourimage -> leave at false (unticked)
    -> like you said, you click the black & white image you go to second scene.
    -> when you click this, you have a rule

    [actor receives event] [touch is pressed]
    -> [change attribute] (game.colourimage) to (true)

    then, this is the part I didn't understand .. the "last command" I'm guessing it's like a button of some sorts..

    so in the "last command" if it is a button

    WHEN (all)
    [actor receives event] [touch is pressed]
    -> [change scene] scene 1

    or if it is just a rule - it will change automatically ..
    either way, it will go back to the original scene ( I think that is what you wanted)

    make a rule in the black & white image

    [attribute] [game.colourimage]=true
    -> [change attribute] (self.colour.alpha) to (0)

    This means, the black and white image will turn to 0 opacity (can't see it)
    Have your coloured one at the back, and this image will be visible..

    i do not know if this is what you wanted.. but hope it helped

    Sydney Swans 2014!!

  • lowellnlowelln Member, PRO Posts: 7
    Yeah it worked!! Thank you!
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