Boolean Help
I post a question last night and am still in need of some help.
I have an image on the first screen, on the second screen I want to create a boolean, that once an action becomes true it changes back to the original scene, and on the original scene a change is made. In this case the change is a change of image.
I tried to add the boolean in the game section, but once it is checked the image is always what it should be after the change is made.
If I add the boolean on the second scene, when I go back to the first scene I can't find it as an option for a command.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated
I have an image on the first screen, on the second screen I want to create a boolean, that once an action becomes true it changes back to the original scene, and on the original scene a change is made. In this case the change is a change of image.
I tried to add the boolean in the game section, but once it is checked the image is always what it should be after the change is made.
If I add the boolean on the second scene, when I go back to the first scene I can't find it as an option for a command.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated
you have a first image on top of a second image, you want to create a boolean on the second image that makes the first image come back ?
Sydney Swans 2014!!
Theres an image on the first screen in black and white. The click on the image and are taken to the second scene. On the second scene the last command i have is to change scene to the original one.
What i want to add is a boolean that will become true before switching back to the original scene. So when you go back to the original scene, the image has become colored. I have a black and white, and color version of the image.
Does that make more sense?
and still not 100% sure on what you mean, but will have a shot to see if I understand
Make a boolean (e.g.) game.colourimage -> leave at false (unticked)
-> like you said, you click the black & white image you go to second scene.
-> when you click this, you have a rule
[actor receives event] [touch is pressed]
-> [change attribute] (game.colourimage) to (true)
then, this is the part I didn't understand .. the "last command" I'm guessing it's like a button of some sorts..
so in the "last command" if it is a button
WHEN (all)
[actor receives event] [touch is pressed]
-> [change scene] scene 1
or if it is just a rule - it will change automatically ..
either way, it will go back to the original scene ( I think that is what you wanted)
make a rule in the black & white image
[attribute] [game.colourimage]=true
-> [change attribute] (self.colour.alpha) to (0)
This means, the black and white image will turn to 0 opacity (can't see it)
Have your coloured one at the back, and this image will be visible..
i do not know if this is what you wanted.. but hope it helped
Sydney Swans 2014!!