Actor's velocity decreases as y position increases?

ChimoruChimoru Member, PRO Posts: 137
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I'm trying to make a pseudo 3d effect where my actor moves with velocity according to attribute game.speed (which I have achieved), but I want this attribute to decrease as his y position increases. So basically my actor should slow down as he moves up the screen. I can't figure this out for the life of me without using derivatives...

Any math wizzes out there that can help me?

Best Answer

  • ZoytZoyt Posts: 374
    Accepted Answer
    You could just tell it to apply a force down at a distance from the ground divided by whatever number is reasonable.


  • ChimoruChimoru Member, PRO Posts: 137
    edited April 2012
    Well what force would you suggest? I used drag and accelerate but what I'm pretty sure I need to do is use some sort of logarithmic function for the actor's y position.
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