interpolating camera size to zoom makes camera offset temporarily nonfunctional- why?

BellaNomarBellaNomar Member Posts: 5
edited May 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I'm using an accelerate-to-touch coordinates movement scheme, and the camera offset solution described here (adding camera coordinates to touch coordinates):

As my main actor grows larger, the camera zooms out at certain points using interpolate to achieve a smooth zoom out.
however, whenever this happens, it messes up my control scheme. It seem to make the camera offset rule not work during the period of interpolation. Has anybody else experienced similiar problems? I read something about interpolate having some strange behavior in relation to the camera.

Best Answers


  • BellaNomarBellaNomar Member Posts: 5
    Thanks! these seem better than the workaround i developed with a timer and change attributes...
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