Tweet Sheet Examples
Are there any live games out there using Tweet Sheet? I want to check out how the feature works.
Best Answers
App Surge Posts: 651
My game, Hot Shot has Twitter integrated on the main menu: -
IsabelleK Posts: 2,807
Does anyone else have an example of Twitter Integration where you click a button to execute? Sorry to keep asking but I don't have Pro yet to do an adhoc build and try it on my own.
It is very easy, let me help you:
Actor (button):
If touch is pressed:
Tweet Sheet: Message (here type the message you want user to post); Image (here you can
choose the image you want to show with the message); Editable by player true/false (true if you
want player to change, or type his own message).
After he touch the button, and he already has Twitter account set up in iOS, the message will be posted to his Twitter account (with, or without the image).
Regarding the tweetsheet. Does it work in real time? as in if the results are stored in a table can the tweetsheet pull that result out or is it a predetermined piece of text that is posted with or without an image?