Need Help Keeping UI elements on the screen while the screen slides left or right
I will try my best to explain...
My user interface slides left and right however I still want some of actors and certain text to remain in place.
I will try my best to explain...
My user interface slides left and right however I still want some of actors and certain text to remain in place.
Best Answer
MotherHoose Posts: 2,456
@CGOStudios … what you need is a HUD (Heads-Up Display)
and, Weswog's video may help:
1. HUD items should be placed in the scene within the original sceneArea
…(480x320 for iPhone)
2. in Scene Layers to change a layer's name … highlight and click enter on keyboard
3. a HUD layer (any un-scrollable layer) has to be above all other layers in the list of layers
…or it will be hidden behind the backgroundMH
I will keep at it. I am still learning.
I followed this but my Actor keep disappearing when i uncheck scrollable.
I am not sure what i am doing wrong or what i am over looking.
My Hud Layer is above the background Layer.
I also have a Cam Layer which is based on the Tshirtbooth Tut when sliding the screen on the X axis. and the Drag Layer.
To be fare I was able to constrain the Actor to the Cam. but it was a bit shaky when dragged.
The part i was missing was placing it :1. HUD items should be placed in the scene within the original sceneArea
…(480x320 for iPhone)
I am using a Ipad size 2304 x 1024 so I needed to put the Actor at 768.
For some reason i didn't get that then i was like...oh.
Thanks again! @MotherHoose @JohnPapiomitis