How does IAP and Updates work?
Hello everybody, I saw the whole tutorial for IAP and it's working fine. It loads the unlocking attribute at the beginning each time, so it's working flawlessly. Now that I have users who have paid to upgrade to the unlocked version, what happens when I release an update? Wouldn't an update basically overwrite all the old information and right away reset the unlocking attribute, so that my paying customers will be reset to the unpaid version? I'm worried about releasing an update if I will screw my current fan base.
Best Answers
Braydon_SFX Posts: 9,273
That's why you have the "Restore" button foe them to restore their purchased items. If you haven't integrated this yet, you can find out how to do it on the Cookbook tutorial for IAPMy GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Lucalry Posts: 21
The update wouldn't reset or overwrite your unlocking attribute. As long as you not update your save and load attribute.
When user update and already unlocked your app, they still have it...