How can I spawn enemy away from hero actor?

gotyoursgotyours Member Posts: 246
edited May 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
how can i make it some when i spawn a enemy, it does not spawn over my moving hero?

Best Answer

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Posts: 5,692
    Accepted Answer
    Use the position in the spawn actor...notice the bit that says position you can change this from 0 0 to what you require.



  • gotyoursgotyours Member Posts: 246
    Darren i have a random spawn for the enemy, i just don't want it to spawn over the hero while the game is playing, in your template for collisions with tables, it shows this, but will it work if the hero actor is in motion? or do i have to set it to say what even the x,y is not to spawn there i.e. have it checking the x,y of the hero all the time?
    Thanks again Darren, oh and best purchase ever, love the resource centre
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