Strange scene.Time behaviour

squirrel42squirrel42 Member, PRO Posts: 195
edited May 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have a game with a rotation attribute linked to the scene.Time. In the main all runs fine, I have noticed though that, when the app build is sent to background on the device, when I return to it it seems that the scene time starts with a negative value, this increases the longer the app is left in the background of the device! This throws things slightly out of whack for me so it important that it always starts at zero. Has anyone else noticed this behaviour or have any suggestions?


Best Answer


  • squirrel42squirrel42 Member, PRO Posts: 195
    Actually it seems to be viewing a Game Center leader board seemed to make this happen also... strange
  • squirrel42squirrel42 Member, PRO Posts: 195
    Thanks, I'll give that a try.
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