How can i attach an object to one side of the camera
I need to attach an object to the back side of the camera that move orizzontally on the scene.
it have to follow the back of the camera cuase if it touch the main actor the actor die. Thanks guys for you help
it have to follow the back of the camera cuase if it touch the main actor the actor die. Thanks guys for you help
Best Answer
MotherHoose Posts: 2,456
if you have the playerActor controlling the camera …
and a following spikesActor
add a displayText to each with expression: self.Position.X
drag the actor that controls camera into scene
… place within the cameraTracking area at Right edge of that area
drag the spikeActor into scene itright edge at the left edge of cameraTracking square
on the spikeActor:
unlock behaviors
constrain Position.X to the playerActor's (controllingCamera) Position.X …
minus the difference of their Xs
(click on the small ▶ above the scene editor and see the displayText for the X positions)