Going from one side and coming from other
I want an object if it goes from the left part of screen then it should appear from the right part of the screen.
Anyway how to do that
I mean it shouldnt directly telepoart from one end to other.If my half part of the object is in left part then other half should be seen in right part
Anyway how to do that
I mean it shouldnt directly telepoart from one end to other.If my half part of the object is in left part then other half should be seen in right part
Best Answer
JohnPapiomitis Posts: 6,256
then change the values so they move off screen first and appear offscreen on the other side, or even better use there width to do it.
When self.position.x > 480+(self.size.width/2)
change self.position.x to 0-(self.size.width/2)
As far as having it appear on both sides like it does when you have wrapped checked, you cant do that without actually using wrap
You might be better off putting walls around the edges of your scene in a little bit and unchecking moveable and set the restitution to 0 on them. And any actors you dont want to wrap have them collide with those walls. If you want the actual wrap function.
please download the GameSalad Manual
…click in the purple text in the description to download … and open
the effect you want is a sceneWrap on the X or Y position
… type in Wrap in the searchTool of that pdf
when you get that working …
good to do the online GameSalad Cookbook tutorials … and watch some videos
and read/reference the Manual often!
Enjoy your adventures in GameSalad!
When self.position.x > 480
change self.position.x to 0
When self.position.x<0
change self.position.x to 480
I mean animation is not perfect that is half part of actor doesnt appear in both side like it does in warp enabled.
Other thing is since i have lots of actors one after the other going from left to right the distance between them keeps on changing