Thanks for the memories : )
After some contemplation, I've decided to retire from the GS Forum. My goal and personal quest was to return the charity I received from the resources provided by members of this developer community. After 1,500+ posts and 23 videos, I feel I filled the obligation. It's just time for me to move on and focus on my career which is not limited to game development. I've met some great people with whom I've developed relationships with and have other means of extending those relationship other than this forum. They are my kindred spirits and I publicly thank them. Having done a stint in Hollywood, alongside other business ventures the advice I tried to give was from the pitfalls of genuine experience of dreaming and reaching goals, which I know many of you poses. Doing business in a vacuum is one thing but having to make inter-business deals in corporate America is not easy and down right ruthless, it can steal your soul and crush dreams if one is not prepared. If you truly have big dreams prepare yourself for the unthinkable and build thick skin and self confidence as the road is not easy and fraught with pitfalls but if you can endure you will reach you dreams. This advice is heartfelt and genuine.
Best of Luck to you all and Godspeed
Best of Luck to you all and Godspeed
Sad to see you go David,
You helped immensely, I will catch you around that "other community place" right?
It really is disappointing to see you go, Best of luck elsewhere, I hope you still might pop in sometimes, I love dour audio tutorials,
Nice seeing you on the forums, Bacon, you'll be missed.
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You'll be missed.
You have contributed so much to my learning and development and it's a shame you'll be leaving. I hope you continue on with your success wherever you go!
I havn't been around on these forums as long as some of the other guys, but I've observed enough to know a top-knotch guy when I see one.
You'll be missed, mate. All the best.
Good luck to you @FryingBaconStudios and thanks for the educational tools, experience and other input you shared with us. The forums will not be the same without your "tell it like it is" style.
I hope at the very lest you drop by from time to time.
And especially someone as knowledgeable and helpful as you are. Good luck with everything and hope to see you around if the calling strikes you again.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
I'm still pretty new here, but I have definitely been able to tell how much you have given back to this community.
Good luck with your future endeavors,
Jack McGraw
Hope to catch you somewhere on the interwebby.
Lump Apps and My Assets
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
But best of luck on your ventures