What is the size of my game in the app store?

uhyanauhyana Member Posts: 36
edited May 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
When I work on my game in game salad it says on the bottom right "Project Size: 14.7mb" When I publish it the .app file is 27.7mb and in iTunes the ad hoc version .ipa file is 22.6mb. So when people try downloading it in the app store will it be 14.7mb or 27.7mb or 22.6mb? I noticed that Angry Birds Space is shown as 15.9mb in the app store, but it's .ipa file is 52.6mb! All I want is my app to be under 20mb so that people can download it with out being connected to wifi. Could someone tell me how to find out what size my app will be in the app store?

Best Answer

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Posts: 9,934
    Accepted Answer
    The AppStore size is generally the zipped ipa size. Keep in mind tge download limit was raised to 50mb though.

    A good way to know the AppStore size for sure is upload the adhoc to testflightapp.com and then see what size it shows to download from the device.



  • uhyanauhyana Member Posts: 36
    Thanks for the info, I didn't even know that it was raised to 50mb. Well then I definitely have nothing to worry about. I'll try out this testflightapp thing. It might help me distribute the beta to my beta testers more easily.
  • LeanneLeanne Member Posts: 168
    pardon my ignorance, but what's tge? is the 50mb limited to a certain plan? is it only in the states?
  • EatingMyHatEatingMyHat Member Posts: 1,246
    BTW, you can just build it with an App Store provision and check the file that gets generated. This is the file that you will upload

    I believe TGE was supposed to be THE...
  • uhyanauhyana Member Posts: 36
    Ok well it's already on the AppStore anad it's 23.6MB which is no big deal considering the new limit is 50MB with out WiFi. It's just weird how angry birds space is some how 15MB.
  • bazookaBenbazookaBen Member Posts: 318
    @uhyana - angry birds is a highly optimized game. they do all sorts of compression and asset optimization.
  • uhyanauhyana Member Posts: 36
    @bazookaBen Or Apple just makes it says 15MB on the AppStore because they are so known. If you look at the actual file size it's like 50MB
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    The file you download from the Appstore is compressed, that's why Angry Birds' size once downloaded is bigger, that happens to every game.

  • bazookaBenbazookaBen Member Posts: 318
    @uhyana big conspiracy, if that's the case :D

    or rather big business
  • andrewm2211andrewm2211 Member Posts: 341
    I doubt it's a conspiracy, it's more they have the cash to staff people to optimize full time.
  • uhyanauhyana Member Posts: 36
    I think that they have multiple versions and the one that says 15MB is the iPhone 3GS version with worse graphics. However, everyone else who has and updated retina display downloads the 50MB version that is secret.
  • andrewm2211andrewm2211 Member Posts: 341
    nah... probably not.
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