How do i test me game for GS Arcade before I publish?

MazeCrazeGameMazeCrazeGame Member Posts: 56
edited May 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)

Best Answers

  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Posts: 6,256
    Accepted Answer
    the web preview button, its next to the publish button in the creator.
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKPosts: 2,484
    Accepted Answer
    And projects with tables don't work so I heard.
    That is correct, HTML5 publishing doesn't yet support tables.

  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Posts: 6,256
    Accepted Answer
    We need alot more info then that to help you. What doesnt work, when does it happen? what are the rules you have set up?


  • MazeCrazeGameMazeCrazeGame Member Posts: 56
    That's an evil button. Actors disappear, game tweeks out big time. Unlike the Preview button that gives a totally different outcome. Which button do I trust?
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    If your publishing to the arcade, then the web preview button.
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    And projects with tables don't work so I heard.
  • MazeCrazeGameMazeCrazeGame Member Posts: 56
    So what happens when you create a game with rules and behaviors that work for iPhone, but for arcade the game takes a nose dive and rules don't work?
  • MazeCrazeGameMazeCrazeGame Member Posts: 56
    My project is at a standstill now. I have no clue how to figure this out.

    Any suggestions?
  • BSideGamesBSideGames Member Posts: 392
    @maze HTML5 games work different in each browser. Safari works the best I have found, BTW I only do HTML5 games and it's always sucks... maybe one day it'll be fixed :)
  • MazeCrazeGameMazeCrazeGame Member Posts: 56
    Good to know.

    However, in my case that just stinks.
  • MazeCrazeGameMazeCrazeGame Member Posts: 56
    The rules are fine.
    As I mention before JP, actors disappear. There isn't a destroy rule to it. They are to simply move.
    I have a timer that isn't visible for Web Preview (safari or F.Fox). However, Preview works fine.

  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    edited May 2012
    Ive done a couple html games for clients now, and always have issues. But ive always be able to sort them out and get around them and get things working. Like i said before, without knowing your rules, i cant help you. We need to know the exact rules and exactly whats happening.

    "The actors disappear" : Do they disapear as soon as you press play, or some time in game? Do they move off the screen of just flat out disapear all together? Do you have them on the correct layer? Do you have any rules changing there alpha? If they move off the screen what rules do you have to tell them to move? And if so do you have attributes the trigger the move that maybe arent turning off?

    "I have a timer that isnt visible" What do you mean by visible, are you displaying text with a attribute changed by the timer and it doesnt display? Is the timer not firing? Is it firing when its not supposed to? Is it not firing when its supposed to? Do you have the timer in another rule? What rules are in the timer?

    Just saying my rules are fine, and being broad like that doesnt help solve anything.
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