Best dev on Gamesalad to hire?
Removed Posts: 12
I'm keen to know who the best developer on Gamesalad is for hire.
Someone that created your perfect design, or paid close attention to detail. Would be appreciated to write your responses below. The more detail the better
I'm keen to know who the best developer on Gamesalad is for hire.
Someone that created your perfect design, or paid close attention to detail. Would be appreciated to write your responses below. The more detail the better
Best Answers
Photics Posts: 4,172
If you have a problem…
…if no one else can help…
…and if you can find them…
…maybe you can hire…
bazookaBen Posts: 318my top list
- tShirtBooth
- Braydon_SFX
- JohnP
- mynameisace
- MotherHoose
in no particular order
My games
Gem Dash for iPhone (FREE)
Gem Dash HD for iPad (FREE)
Emma's Dream for iPad (FREE)
My company
BlackWhiteGames -
EatingMyHat Posts: 1,246@Retorical I think most people here do their own games, but you can see the games that Ace and John created for themselves.
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I'm honored to be on your list for sure, bazookaBen, but I'm nowhere near one of the top devs here. I still have much to learn about GameSalad, and I continue to learn everyday.
As everyone has said Retorical, go with Mynameisace or John.
By the way, I'm to expensive for you. lol
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Has anyone hired them to construct one of your games, and if so post a link
Most of my clients are none-GS users but if you want examples of my work, feel free to email me at
@tshirtbooth (busy as stated)