It will say that the game cannot play on the embedded player (even though it's on the gs website) at this time and if it doesn't change the number on my page that shows how many games I have uploaded.
I don't have an answer, but I can confirm that there is a problem I could not upload my game on thursday or friday. I contacted the GS team and they said it was a problem on my side.(I have 15+ games on the arcade so I know it's not on my side) I think it has something to do with the new window build. Maybe if you contact them also it might get things fixed if they know it's more then one case.
I contacted the GS team and they said it was a problem on my side.(I have 15+ games on the arcade so I know it's not on my side)
I think it has something to do with the new window build.
Maybe if you contact them also it might get things fixed if they know it's more then one case.