Triple tapp? Menu?
Hello everyone. I have a question. I want to make a menu pop up and I am trying to do it to where you triple tapp on the screen and boom it will come up. But I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to do this. Dose anyone know how to pull this off or is it possible? Thank you so much!
Best Answer
sebmacfly Posts: 1,018
TSB, simply the Best!
make an attribute game.tripletap (index)
when mouse button is down
change attribute game.tripletap to game.trippletap+1
Rule (this rule will reset the count if the user dosnt triple tap with in 0.5 seconds)
if game.tripletap is greater the 0
timer after 0.5
change attribute game.tripletap to 0
if attribute game.tripletap = 3
do menu rules