Error when Uploading
I tried to create a very simple app and upload it, but it keeps giving me the following error message.
An error was encountered when uploading project: System.Net.WebException:
The operation has timed out
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at GameSalad.Xaml.Publishing.ProjectUploader.uploadFile_DoWork(Object
sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
I am not sure if this was a know bug/error or if it is maybe a user error.
An error was encountered when uploading project: System.Net.WebException:
The operation has timed out
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at GameSalad.Xaml.Publishing.ProjectUploader.uploadFile_DoWork(Object
sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
I am not sure if this was a know bug/error or if it is maybe a user error.
Best Answers
Ledaro Posts: 18
I had the exact same error uploading from Windows. I finally solved it by removing a .m4a sound file, and swapped it for an .ogg sound file instead. It was the only .m4a I was using... but it was also the largest file I had (at 1.4mb). So, technically, it could have been a size issue... but I doubt it.
So if you're using any .m4a files for sound, just remove them for a test upload.
So I think just keep a look out for anything in your project folders that you're not using, and remove them if you get that error.
BTW, after I manually deleted them, and reopened the file, it gave an error saying it couldn't find those files (even though they were not in the Media panel). But once I saved and opened again, it was fine. :-)
Our games
I had this same problem even before I added any sound to my project, so I knew it wasn't m4a files that were the problem. I too had problems with images like Ledaro, and I had to go through my images folder and delete all of the excess images that gamesalad "forgot" to delete. That fix worked for me for a little while, but shortly there after the problem occurred again.
This time it seemed to be dependent on file size, and that project files approaching around 30mb would result in the same error as before. The fix came by changing internet connections. I found that i could upload the same project file with no problem at the local coffee shop, but when I tried uploading it at my home it would fail. I have Comcast as my ISP so my speculation is they have some limit on the size of an upload and that they may interfere with the gamesalad process. This is just speculation, but my advice would be trying a different internet connection if none of the other fixes seem to work for you.
For help!
thanks a lot to you guys..
i just tried it, it works i think..
like the said error is not popping-up anymore..
but here's another error..
"an error was encountered while uploading project: 400 Bad request"
Version to
Worked for me.