Limits of this Game Engine?
I am incredibly new to this game engine, and coding in general(my only previous coding knowledge is html and php). . .but I was curious to find out what the limitations where when creating a game with this engine.
I realize that the game sets up a lot of the code for you, but if I knew more would I be able to go in and manually edit some of the stuff to tweak them further than what the basic interface offers?
What programming language knowledge would benefit me when creating games in GameSalad?
Are the games limited to a 2D perspective? If so, can this be tweaked to a 2.5D perspective?
I'm sure I'll have a load of new questions the more I learn about the system. But to start I would like to know what I can and can't make with GameSalad
I realize that the game sets up a lot of the code for you, but if I knew more would I be able to go in and manually edit some of the stuff to tweak them further than what the basic interface offers?
What programming language knowledge would benefit me when creating games in GameSalad?
Are the games limited to a 2D perspective? If so, can this be tweaked to a 2.5D perspective?
I'm sure I'll have a load of new questions the more I learn about the system. But to start I would like to know what I can and can't make with GameSalad
Best Answer
EatingMyHat Posts: 1,246
You need to be a bit more specific, people have done many creative games with GS doing things that other people will think they can't. It comes down to what kind of game you want to create and I would estimate that you can create in it many of the top 10 games in the App Store (look at the Angry Birds template and Spin the Nut as examples).
As a coder, I do not have the flexibility that code give me, but knowing a lot of other 'no coding' tools - GS is by far the most capable one that I have seen. Code access would have been nice, but much nicer to be able to avoid it in many cases.
Having said that... there are some things that it will not do:
1. This is not a 3D engine (not even 2.5 but you should look at Audio Invaders to see what creative people can do)
2. No access to many device data and API (camera, GPS, etc.)
3. No multiplayer games (limited connectivity in general)
And the list goes on, but the list of what you can do is much longer (check out some of the game that people did like Running Wild, Tiny Balls, Cheeseman, and so on).
Since your background is mainly with scripting languages (HTML and PHP as you stated), you are in the right place. Either Gamesalad or Corona should be your starting point, I started with Gamesalad as a way to teach my kids programing concepts and stayed because it was lots of fun
If you mean a 2.5 D style like this:
then it would be possible, but with tons of rules, attributes and behaviors i think. Here is an example, to a style like this made with GameSalad:
But if you mean with 2.5 D something like this:
it wouldn't be possible i think!
I do agree that GS does /seem/ to be the most user friendly, which is why i decided to start here.
i dont really have a specific game in mind because im no where near that point yet. thinking up some crazy 3d world with multiplayer and all would just be a waste of time and a let-down when I found out the engine wasn't able to create/handle it.
my question about 2.5D would specifically be like Mario RPG or a Paper Mario game.
so GS doesn't let you go into the code and edit how the game is written? or did I read that wrong
I am very excited about what GS has to offer. im just wanting to learn what my boundaries are before I dive in head first
You can see the "code" from your game from GS. But i think you aren't able to change things in it, that will wok after. You can see the code only after you publish and have the .ipa file
@EatingMyHead true
But i would recommend GS, because there's so much new features coming soon (lua-drop, writeable tables, etc.) and with tshirtbooth's tutorials ( you will learn GS really fast and good. I've learned all about GS with tshirtbooths tutorials
thanks for the link
That's epic news and will be a good goal for me to work toward after I learn all the basics and start making some more complex games.
Many of us would say that this is impossible.
While the video tutorials are nice, I wasn't really able to find one that was for straight beginners. Most just seemed to be examples on how to do certain features. . .ones that you would use or need help with in the middle of a current project(I possibly just didn't find the correct one though).
And while the Templates are nice to kickstart a certain game genre, I assumed since most were user submitted they wouldn't be documented. . .and if they were, probably weren't aimed toward absolute beginners.
Personally, when learning a program or engine like this. I find it EXTREMELY helpful to have someone say 'lets create X game' and then go through step by step on how to create said game(which is what the book provided). I just went through the first example tutorial and prototyped my first platformer in about an hour(incredibly bare bones basic though, which is good).
I have to say I was very impressed with how easy it was. I understood exactly what was going on(not just blindly doing what the book said, like i've had to do with other engines) and even when I messed up a certain feature(not giving me the 'you win' notice). . .I quickly figured out what went wrong(I added the rule to the door instead of my character) without having to retrace my steps in the book. It was all just an 'oh right' moment that clicked and was very easy to relate the new rule I was trying to create with an older rule that I had previously added to my character.
I'm very excited to see how far I can go with this program. The only thing I can't do is Art. I went through the Asset Store here on the site. . .and I wasn't impressed with what was listed(I didn't go through ALL the art assets, just a brief skim). But I think it'll be pretty easy to hire someone to make some graphics after all the basics are done with the game. Hopefully from within the community here(if that's allowed).
I'm not really sure if it's possible to release games with GS on a Windows platform(I assume Mac is supported), but it's not that big of a deal right now I dont think. The App Store is a great marketplace to release games onto. Thanks for the link. From the video it looks like he worked out some controls for an RTS game. Which, I haven't even thought about doing one of those, but the basic concept at least seems really easy. Granted he said he was stuck on coming up with a way to do this control scheme alone, it is a good example of what can be done. Thanks again
With the exception of 3D of course.
Some seriously awesome stuff has been made with the Software.
If you'd like an example of a step-by-step tutorial that takes you from zero to 60... well, maybe 35, you can check out my Alien Conquerors-based video playlist: The videos were designed for my middle school students, but I think you'll find that they are good stepping stones for learning the basics.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User (scroll down a bit to the 3d model)
Now this is made up of a bunch of single image frames but it's 3d.
Then yes, it can be done. But the only "real 3D" would be the main background and the door part. For the rest, inteliggent design would do the trick I guess, but it wouldn't be that easy. Much trial and error!