Pushing Actor "skidding" and "jiggly" when not pushed
Hey Guys,
I have an actor (block) that my player pushes around, It has around 600 friction and 200 drag to add more "weight" (heavyness) Problem is when Im not touching the "block" it moves up, down, to the sides, no pattern likes it's skidding on the ground. I have a rule that states "when not colliding" to set LinearVel X and Y to 0, but doesn't help.
I have an actor (block) that my player pushes around, It has around 600 friction and 200 drag to add more "weight" (heavyness) Problem is when Im not touching the "block" it moves up, down, to the sides, no pattern likes it's skidding on the ground. I have a rule that states "when not colliding" to set LinearVel X and Y to 0, but doesn't help.
Best Answer
beefy_clyro Posts: 5,394
Here ya go man;
Its a very trimmed down version of a complex set of code I'm using for a new game. You'll be able to see the exact settings I use to not have shaking
When Block being pushed = false
-- Timer
-- After 0.1 Seconds
----Constrain self.linear.velocityX to 0
This will eliminate the shake, just be careful with constrains as too many 'can' hurt FPS
I have that same concept but the linear.velocity not as a constrain but as a change atrib. Any differences in this case? Yes, I avoid constains at all causes.
when self.pushed = 0
constrain velocity.x to 0