Quick few questions for a new person to GS

jonneyjonney Member Posts: 14
edited May 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)

I've just got a few questions before i start making the game as reading through the forum some things have confused me:

1: when i start my game in game salad do i make from the very start like the icon, splash screen and the gameplay in game salad?

2) what is adhoc because i seen people talking about it referring to the splash screen?

3) once the game finish do you hit the publish button then what happens? this is assuming i have the apple developers i.d already?


sorry if these are dumb questions

Best Answers

  • master200012master200012 Posts: 372
    Accepted Answer
    1) not necessarily.

    2) I believe adhoc is for testing purposes but I'm not sure myself.

    3) No, look at the publishing tutorial under Gamesalad's cookbook. The publish button only gives you the overall file as an app. There's a lot more to it.

    Congrats on picking Gamesalad and good luck producing!
  • Barking_AppsBarking_Apps Posts: 182
    Accepted Answer
    1. it is up to you. I would start with the gameplay then work on the smaller stuff like the icon and splash screen after.

    2. this is just a wireless network for your iOS device and your computer

    3. once you complete your game you will go through A LOT of stages.You must get a certificate and provisional profile from the iDev centre. Then you will go through the game salad stages of app info, screenshots ect. (the publish button) Then you need to go into iTunes connect and add a new app. Go through these stages (again app info and screenshots). Once this is done you need to upload you binary to the application loader. Then you need to wait 6-7 ish days and you app will be up and running...

    Hope this helps!

    BarkingApps :o3

    Take a look at my flight control interface here: http://marketplace.gamesalad.com/#category=4,5,6,7,11&product=4264


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