GameSalad Creator... Can't edit Actors/Multiple Problems
So... I have been using the Windows GameSalad for a few days... just got a huge project pretty far along... and decided to do some work on my mac... i exported and popped over to my GameSalad version 0.9.92 on my Mac... i ran it... and clicked preview and worked fine... but when I go into my scenes and click on my actors... they won't load... the screen starts to act like its gonna change... but it stays on the main scene viewer where i can see my scene and goes blank in the bottom left pane...
i also tried opening up some templates/free demos i have downloaded and they are doing the same thing... i am afraid I have lost a lot of work for my mac side and am kinda freaking out...
i also tried opening up some templates/free demos i have downloaded and they are doing the same thing... i am afraid I have lost a lot of work for my mac side and am kinda freaking out...

Windows is in extreme beta, that's why you needed to signup to use it, it's most likely a bug that will have to fixed.
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Try opening a brand new templae and see if it happens again
Try tarting a new project and see what happens
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Some projects work fine. But some won't let me edit actors that have rules in em just freezes it
If you can create a new project and it works fine, the project might be corrupted.
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