Fixing the jigglies

SquareHeartSquareHeart Member, PRO Posts: 69
edited May 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have a 2 player tank battle game on the boil. Between the 2 tanks are various obstacles than move when shot or pushed. Not much- but enough to feel like they're heavy - they have a fair bit of friction and drag on them.. The problem is that the blocks, once hit (I assume physics have been activated), do a little 1 to 2 pixel dance forever after.

I've tried tweaking the physics values and also tried zeroing out the Lin velocity below a certain threshold, but doesn't work. My only other thought is to turn [movable] off after a certain time after a collision has occurred - can you turn [moveable] on and off in game in such a way?

Any thoughts or other techniques much appreciated

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