Spawning actors question, is this a job for table?

thelogobarthelogobar Member Posts: 93
edited May 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Just trying out ideas for games and was just wondering how I could do the following.

The player has to catch a set number of specified items that are falling from the sky, 4x item 1, 3x item 2 for example. While not catching any items not on the list.

I can randomly spawn actors, but I'd like some items to be quite rare and only spawn once or twice per level. If they miss those items then the level is lost.

Would I use tables to track the unique items?

Best Answer

  • calvin9403calvin9403 Posts: 3,186
    Accepted Answer
    well, you can do a random

    so let's say random an attribute (1,100)

    and when the attribute =100, spawn ...

    when attribute >90 and smaller than 100, spawn....

    and so on

    so in the way you can control what will spawn more often and others won't

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