"PAID" GameCenter expert is required

SharkawyDevSharkawyDev Member Posts: 225
Hi All,

As mentioned, GameCenter expert is required to help adding GC to on-going project. Game should hit the 90% progress by next week, So kindly send your contact along with pricing terms (per hour/per project) and an AppStore link so we get an idea of your work sample.

Post here or send to: ii.sharkawy@gmail.com

P.S. for no confusion we do have a Pro License.



  • scrapee_netscrapee_net Member Posts: 424
    edited May 2012
    Why do you need a gamecenter expert if it's so easy.

    By the way, gamecenter doesn't work well on current gamesalad version, because if user cancels logging, game freezes for ever.
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