What difference really makes "Preload Art"?

iTopGamesiTopGames Member Posts: 71
edited May 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I knows that looks pretty literal "Preload Art" but in performance what is the real difference, numerically and factorially speaking

Best Answer

  • LeanneLeanne Posts: 168
    Accepted Answer
    I cannot tell you specifics, but unchecking GREATLY reduced my intitial load time and had NO effect on game play. This is for a game with a lot of images.


  • iTopGamesiTopGames Member Posts: 71
    @Leanne My game has a lot of images and actors, should i check it or uncheck it?
  • LeanneLeanne Member Posts: 168
    Check it for images that need to appear on the first view of the first scene. Uncheck for all others. Test and tweak if needed.
  • EatingMyHatEatingMyHat Member Posts: 1,246
    The benefit depends on your scene. If your scene is just camera size and everything shows up once it opens, you will not gain much (if any), if your actual scene size is greater than the camera size and you have stuff that does is hidden in the beginning but showed later on, you will get benefit.

    The benefit comes in the form of load time and initial art memory, but over time as the scene will load the images the art memory will get to the same level.
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