I'm sure it's possible, but at the moment the more focus is on games, well not saying you can't make a game with those features, But I'm talking about more core game features
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
If I were betting man. I'd say those will come along way down the pipe. Prob not even this year. Theres just far more core features needed for overall game creation abilities. Those are not really high up the list. I think most people would see them as utility app type features.
I know you all might start hating again but I think Apps is the way to go. There are maybe a handful of people here who make a buck and thats it. You're fighting not only FREE games offered by some of the best and biggest out there but you also fighting the general public of which about 85% only download free games. Almost every super cool game I've seen in the last 5 month or so is in 3D, its super fast and and and. Check it out. Remember they are free. Do some research. However, I found out that if you have some Apps maybe made for the iPad and you charge about $2 you actually sell some. We all scratched our Foreheads (see Marketing section) and came up with the general answer: Your game has to be super polished, well made, yeah, yeah, yeah. Guess what its been done already and they are available for FREE. So thats the reason why I am asking about access to the Camera, Microphone, etc. I think, and I might be wrong, that there are way more opportunities. Check out "Castles of Europe". Just released it for the iPad a week ago. Its doing better then any game I've made. It just shows some Castles from around Europe with some info. No big deal. I was really proud of "Monkey Canon" which some of you loved as well. Well its not selling. And the Dimwit who complained about the people on another topic who complain about all the advertising in the latest GS realeases is wrong too. If you give away some free food you don't put poison in it either, right. Ahhh, that felled good.
I agree 100%. The app store is only getting more competitive. You need lots of money or even more luck to have a hit on the app store. I guarantee that before angry birds got way popular they were advertising or sending it off to review sites like crazy. Another example: draw me. The only reason it's so popular is be because it got featured in sites like Mac rumors on its first day on sale! Obviously that guy either got very lucky and was seen by a major news outlet, or he has a friend in the major news outlet.
Guess what its been done already and they are available for FREE.
I mentioned this problem in another thread... is GameSalad a toy? It's primarily for makes games. If GameSalad made just some minor tweaks, it could be professional level development software. This is good not just for making money — but making a difference in the world. Are more time wasters really necessary? Sure, people need to relax and have fun... but what about being productive?
With read/write tables... that's business grade stuff right there. If GameSalad had the ability to communicate with a web server — whoa — it could be revolutionary!
Recently, I downloaded "Mini Motor Racing", "Cut the Rope: Experiments" and "Got Cow?" for free. It's very difficult to compete with that level of quality... and it's being given away for free.
I can't see GS implementing the camera or mic for a very long time...I could be wrong but those things seem very complex in the computer programming world. Same with multiplayer, your getting into very heavy networking type programming , I've checked out multiplayer in unity and it makes me wonder if I should go to ITT tech. Your right Joe it's getting pretty hard to make money now in games. You have to blow the competition away but hey Grisly manor did pretty well.
Sadly, I don't think we'll see this feature for a while, if ever. Camera support we'll probably see eventually, but there aren't that many games that use the microphone.
2020... Introducing...the appsalad plugin. Mic and camera integration
Seriously though I think iAd integration in your apps....using iAd Producer will be a better way to use these functions. Although even if you made an iad....im not sure wether you could have it in your app. Until there are cloud services somehow to ads you have created.
I think its that sometimes a few of us would like to make apps, not necessarily games and would love GS to have those options. I understand its a game creator and does that pretty good. Other options would only help expand our ideas of app and maybe games. Jokingly I mentioned a plugin called AppSalad. This was "tongue in cheek" I would love to make actual apps not always games. Being a dumb cluck when it comes to coding....this is where a creator like GS would be great.
I think its that sometimes a few of us would like to make apps, not necessarily games and would love GS to have those options. I understand its a game creator and does that pretty good. Other options would only help expand our ideas of app and maybe games. Jokingly I mentioned a plugin called AppSalad. This was "tongue in cheek" I would love to make actual apps not always games. Being a dumb cluck when it comes to coding....this is where a creator like GS would be great.
I completely agree with that but "game"salad was build and designed for game making. Just like how a fish market is know for fish. This would be cool but multiplayer, Facebook, push notifications, and android iap in my opinion are way more important then mic and camera. Maybe gamesalad will include this later but for now let gamesalad focus on what it is built for being a great and easy engine for making games. (As gamesalad has said many times they are understaffed)
@Thunder_Child I just re-read your reply and am intrigued by the iAd thing. Are you saying iAds could be designed to inject external attributes (mic, etc) into a GS game? Have you seen this done? I'm not a Pro member yet, so I don't understand what kind of interactivity iAds support.
2020... Introducing...the appsalad plugin. Mic and camera integration
Seriously though I think iAd integration in your apps....using iAd Producer will be a better way to use these functions. Although even if you made an iad....im not sure wether you could have it in your app. Until there are cloud services somehow to ads you have created.
@jaredcrogers no. Sorry that's not what I meant to imply. What I am saying is you can produce your own ads using iAd producer....and I believe you can place those ads in your game. Those ads have many functions but cannot be a part of your game specifically. I'm in the middle of producing my own ad for review. To see what can be done with the producer but it won't have anything to do with the game.
Almost every super cool game I've seen in the last 5 month or so is in 3D, its super fast and and and.
Check it out. Remember they are free. Do some research.
However, I found out that if you have some Apps maybe made for the iPad and you charge about $2 you actually sell some.
We all scratched our Foreheads (see Marketing section) and came up with the general answer:
Your game has to be super polished, well made, yeah, yeah, yeah. Guess what its been done already and they are available for FREE.
So thats the reason why I am asking about access to the Camera, Microphone, etc. I think, and I might be wrong, that there are way more opportunities.
Check out "Castles of Europe". Just released it for the iPad a week ago. Its doing better then any game I've made. It just shows some Castles from around Europe with some info. No big deal. I was really proud of "Monkey Canon" which some of you loved as well. Well its not selling.
And the Dimwit who complained about the people on another topic who complain about all the advertising in the latest GS realeases is wrong too. If you give away some free food you don't put poison in it either, right.
Ahhh, that felled good.
With read/write tables... that's business grade stuff right there. If GameSalad had the ability to communicate with a web server — whoa — it could be revolutionary!
Recently, I downloaded "Mini Motor Racing", "Cut the Rope: Experiments" and "Got Cow?" for free. It's very difficult to compete with that level of quality... and it's being given away for free.
Your right Joe it's getting pretty hard to make money now in games. You have to blow the competition away but hey Grisly manor did pretty well.
Here are a couple of Promo Codes for my latest App.
It's only for the ipad. Castles of Europe. Enjoy.
Hope it's okay to resurrect this thread, but since it's been two years, any news on this?
I really, really, really want to use the mic input for something awesome.
2020... Introducing...the appsalad plugin. Mic and camera integration
Seriously though I think iAd integration in your apps....using iAd Producer will be a better way to use these functions. Although even if you made an iad....im not sure wether you could have it in your app. Until there are cloud services somehow to ads you have created.
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It won't be for a while still. Longer than you will want to wait to use it for your idea I imagine.
2-3 years, if it happens at all.
Besides how many great, popular mobile games that use mic and camera. Probably 3 out of 100
I think its that sometimes a few of us would like to make apps, not necessarily games and would love GS to have those options. I understand its a game creator and does that pretty good. Other options would only help expand our ideas of app and maybe games. Jokingly I mentioned a plugin called AppSalad. This was "tongue in cheek" I would love to make actual apps not always games. Being a dumb cluck when it comes to coding....this is where a creator like GS would be great.
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
I completely agree with that but "game"salad was build and designed for game making. Just like how a fish market is know for fish. This would be cool but multiplayer, Facebook, push notifications, and android iap in my opinion are way more important then mic and camera. Maybe gamesalad will include this later but for now let gamesalad focus on what it is built for being a great and easy engine for making games. (As gamesalad has said many times they are understaffed)
@Thunder_Child I just re-read your reply and am intrigued by the iAd thing. Are you saying iAds could be designed to inject external attributes (mic, etc) into a GS game? Have you seen this done? I'm not a Pro member yet, so I don't understand what kind of interactivity iAds support.
@jaredcrogers no. Sorry that's not what I meant to imply. What I am saying is you can produce your own ads using iAd producer....and I believe you can place those ads in your game. Those ads have many functions but cannot be a part of your game specifically. I'm in the middle of producing my own ad for review. To see what can be done with the producer but it won't have anything to do with the game.
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I hope it can access to the Camera and Microphone.