Randomly getting folders name "(A Document Being Saved By GameSalad)"

ZoytZoyt Member Posts: 374
edited June 2012 in Tech Support
After working for a while on my game (while constantly saving it), GameSalad decided to crash randomly (GS admin will get the crash reports). When I went back into the folder of my game, I saw 7 folders name "(A Document Being Saved By GameSalad)", "(A Document Being Saved By GameSalad) 2", "(A Document Being Saved By GameSalad) 3", etc. all the way to 7. And they are all empty. For some reason, this is constantly happening now. Please help.

Best Answer

  • IsabelleKIsabelleK Posts: 2,807
    Accepted Answer
    If you start a new project and then save it, do you still have this issue?


  • ZoytZoyt Member Posts: 374
    Ya, but it stopped doing it with the other project. I'll let you know if it acts up again.
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