Loading text from table not showing in Android Viewer, only in Preview...

namchucksnamchucks Member Posts: 1
edited June 2012 in Tech Support
First off, I've been using gamesalad for a good week and I'm loving it so far. Thanks to all the developers for making it possible.

So my question is this. I have text pulled from a table and displayed in an actor. It shows up in my preview, but when I preview it on my android, it doesn't show up.

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/547774/Screen Shot 2012-06-02 at 11.40.45 PM.png


Notice where it says "PLAYER" on the bottom left, I made another white dummy box on top to see if it would show it, but it doesn't. I have the Android Viewer 0.9.93 Beta and the GS 0.9.93 Beta for Mac.

I used the display text behavior and have the expression: tableCellValue(game.Table:Score,1,2). Since it works on the preview, I'm sure I have the "code" set up right.

EDIT: Actually, I was able to get the information to show, I had to delete the cache data in my android app manager. So problem solved.


  • zeroazulagenciazeroazulagencia Member, PRO Posts: 12
    I still have the same problems, tried clear data but the same, not working, no text is show on android.
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