How to read a template

kkchongkkchong Member Posts: 60
edited June 2012 in Tech Support
Hi, can anyone advise me how should i read a template after opening a project file.
is there a logical sequence i could pursue to understand the logic trail more methodically?
scene first or game first,, layer first or actors first,,
or attributes first,,,
also what are the things i should pay particular attention,,,
please advise,,
KK chong

Best Answer

  • powkiepowkie Posts: 63
    Accepted Answer
    I would try to look around in the scene, checking different layers and if their invisible i would make em visible to get a understanding of whats going on.

    Also, i you see an attribute such as, example: self.blabla you should check what kind of attribute it is, like is blabla an integrer or similar :)

    Hope it helps a little!


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