"Displaying full screen interstitial ads on the viewer is not supported."

jasonthenicestjasonthenicest Member Posts: 1
edited June 2012 in Tech Support
Hi. New user here. This software is amazing but, everytime I goto preview and click through my pages and links it all works fine but a window pops up and says "Displaying full screen interstitial ads on the viewer is not supported." I am not trying to view in full screen or anything. Anyway to make this stop popping up? Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  • Dazza006Dazza006 Posts: 248
    Accepted Answer
    Yes game salad are working on a fix for this now.


  • micmamicma Member Posts: 66
    I am having the same problem. I wish it would go away.
    I am still running mac snow leopard. Dont know if i can upgrade yet to 0.9.93
  • micmamicma Member Posts: 66
    Thank you I have not upgraded yet. :( got some more iTunes money for Christmas though and am going to soon!
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