Conditions / Behavior - Change attributes

TitamTitam Member Posts: 20
edited June 2012 in Tech Support
Hi Guys,

Ok, I'm new here so... be kind to me please :) (and french, so it won't help, I know ^^)
I'm trying some stuff, and have issues with conditions. See here one of my tests :

And when I try, it doesn't work. I tried many ways (by using otherwise stuff, I also found here a video to explain a kind of "On/OFF" with attribute but doesn't work neither, etc.) and the result is simple : it works after many click to change the pics color (which is strange)... or it blinks. Since I need this behavior to change attributes, and I want to be sure the system works.

What I want is : One click, Green, another click, "normal" color.

Thanks by advance for your help dudes.

Best Answer

  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Posts: 2,456
    Accepted Answer
    @ Titam … Welcome to GameSalad!

    Rule: when
    Event: touch is pressed
    -Rule: when (this is a nestedRule … in the touchRule … in the behavior field)
    -Attribute: self.Color.Red =1
    --changeAttribute: self.Color.Blue To: 0
    --changeAttribute: self.Color.Red To: 0
    --changeAttribute: self.Color.Blue To: 1
    --changeAttribute: self.Color.Red To: 1

    image MH


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