Testing Game after Game is Published

AppFueledAppFueled Member Posts: 308
edited June 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I'm adding Game Center and IAP's to my published game and would like to test it before I update. I thought I could just switch the build to Ad Hoc in the IOS Dev Center but I don't see that option. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

Best Answer

  • EatingMyHatEatingMyHat Posts: 1,246
    Accepted Answer
    Just build an Ad Hoc like you did before you published (I hope). Ad Hoc and App Store are different provisions, you do not modify them, you just select the one you need.

    1. make sure you create an Ad Hoc provision in the Dev Center
    2. Download and install it to Xcode
    3. When you build the game choose the Ad Hoc provision
    4. complete the process and publish
    5. Test the build by syncing it with your device via iTunes


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